
Religious & Atheist Pickup Lines

Christian Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines for Christians

Now I know why Solomon had 700 wives... Because he never met you.


For you I would slay two Goliaths.

You float my ark.

Is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you?

So last night I was reading in the book of Numbers, and I realized... I don't have yours!

I didnt believe in predestination until tonight.

The word says 'Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry'... how about dinner?

I know its absurd, but every time I walk towards you, it feels like I'm being lead to Bethlehem.

My spiritual gift is my good looks... it lifts peoples spirits

You are so unblemished that I would sacrifice you.

You are perfect, except with all the sin.

I went on a beach mission but all I ended up doing was mission you.

Is this the transfiguration? Because you are glowing.

I used to believe in natural theology, but since I met you I've converted to divine revelation.

Bathsheba had nothing on you.

Mark Driscoll takes up 35% of my ipod memory.

Bible-Gateway happens to be my homepage.

Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead.

How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?

How would you like to join my Purpose Driven Life?

If you say no, I will rip out my hair and my beard.

Unfortunately I cant perform miracles and I've only got enough

I believe one of my ribs belongs to you.

I just don't feel called to celibacy.

I'm a proverbs 32 kind of guy and you're a proverbs 31 kinda woman...

If we were around with Noah... then you, me... pair.

Let me sell you an indulgence because it's a sin to look as good as you do.

I'm pretty much considered an elder in the congregation these days.

Me. You. Song of Songs: the remix.

When I read philippians 4:8, I think about you.

I put the "stud" in bible study.

I didn't know angels flew this low.

I'm no Joseph... perhaps you can help me interpreting the dreams I've been having about you?

Is it a sin that you stole my heart?

Is your name Faith? Cause you're the substance of things I've hoped for.

Want to practice speaking in tongues with me?

Here's my number... Call me if you need prayer.

What's your name and number so I can add you to my "prayer" list?

I'm usually not very prophetic, but I can see us together.

I would leave 99 sheep to come and find you... and then I would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder
br> Look, you're nearly 22. Most christians are 3 years into marriage by now... just settle for me.

You make me want to be a better Christian.

You make the Queen of Sheba look like a hobo.

Do you need prayer? because I am certainly willing to lay hands on you.



Jewish Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines for Jewish People

You had me at Shalom.


I finally understand the true meaning of the Sabbath. It's to give a girl like you a rest from running through my mind the rest of the week.

Can I put out your burning bush?

Do you want something to attone for on yom kippur?

Is your Succah kosher? Cause the only stars I can see are in your eyes.

I would love to wonder in your wilderness for 40 years.

Once you go Jew, nothing else will do.

Do you want to shake my luluv?

If I raise my staff will it only part the sea?

God told us to go forth and multiply and I feel something going forth and multiplying as we speak.

I may not be elisha but will you open the door anyway.

You must not be kosher for passover because you're makeing my matza rise.

Lets do it adam and eve style, behind some bushes.

Do you want to try my hebrew national hotdog?

Do you wanna spin my dreidel?

Can I come into your massada?

Which commandment do you want to break?

Want to party in my sukkah?

Are you Jewish? Cause the way you're looking at me, I'm beginning to think Jewish I would kiss you.

Why is this night different than all other nights? I'll show you why...

Do you want to try for 9 crazy nights?

My apples are just dying for your honey!

Don't worry I won't passover you.

I'll take you to the promised land.

Can I go into you garden of Eden?

Can I light your manorah?

Are you the massiah, beacuse I've been waiting for you.

God just told me there was going to be a flood and I've decided to save you.

Are you the milk or the honey I was promised?

That's a nice-looking yarmulke you're wearing, but it would look even better lying next to my bed tomorrow morning.

Got any Jewish in you? Want some?

All I want for Channukah is you.

Let me see your shirt tag, that's right, made in Eden.

The first line of the Shma commands us to "Love the Lord with all your heart." After meeting you, I don't think I can keep that mitzvah.

The gates of repentance are always open...just like my heart for you.

I don't care what the Torah says, I'm not leaving any of your four corners unplowed.

After getting lost for 40 years ive think ive finally found what I was looking for

Girl, I wish you were a torah, so I could undress you and run my yad all up and down your columns...

Funny, I don't remember climbing Jacob's ladder, so how did I end up in heaven?

How bout I play moses and u play with my staff.

Unlike the torah, I'm gonna put my hands all over you.

If your left leg is Rosh Hashanah and your right leg is Yom Kippur, can I visit you during the days of Awe?

Did it hurt when you wrestled with Jacob (because you're an angel)!

This saltwater reminds me of the tears that came to my eyes when I first saw you

Can I dip my maror in your charoset.

How about you and I make the dead sea come alive.

Even though it's breaking a commandment, I'm worshipping you right now.

When you come to my house, the Mezuzah isn't the only thing you will be touching!

Are u bat mitzvahed, cuz I need a woman?

I hope you're not married, because I'd hate to be breaking the Tenth Commandment right here in shul.

Just like the Ner Tamid, my love for you burns eternal.

A woman like you makes me wish our mechitza were see-through.

In this shul, women are not called up to the torah. May I call you up at home?



Islamic/ Muslim Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines for Muslims

Are you a Shiite? Because when I saw you, I said to myself, "She aiight".


I need to break my fast. Can I have a date?

Our parents engaged us when we were little... they must have forgotten to tell you.

I'd like to be more than just your brother in Islam.

What school of thought do you follow, because I thought about you all through school.

To watch you pray is a sin of its own.

Do you believe in the hereafter? Oh, you do? Then you know what I'm hereafter.

I didn’t trip over my thobe, I fell for you.

I've had to fast every day since the first time I saw you.

Wow, you're beautiful! I see praying five times a day has paid off.

You remind me of the Ka'aba - I could walk around you all day long

So, read any good Surahs lately?

That hijab really compliments your eyes.

That's a nice burka. Can I talk you out of it?

I know Halal meat does a body good, but wow, how much you been eatin'?

I must have died a shaheed and gone to heaven because you are my 72 virgins all in one.

I love the way your Abaya flows when you walk.

Your feet made me lower my gaze.

After seeing you, the first thing I said was Mash'Allah. The next was Inshallah!

Would you like to share my prayer-mat?

It must be Laylatul Qadr, because that's the night that angels come down from Heaven.

You can be the queeen of my Hurs anyday.

You remind me of the Ka'aba. I can walk around you all day long.

Are your feet tired? Because you've been performing Tawaaf in my mind all day long?

Do you wanna date? I bought a box full when I went to Madinah.

Muslims are supposed to have many children, and I am willing to do my part...

Allah created everyone in pairs, so what are you doing, single?



Hindu Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines for Hindus

Would you like to be the Radha to my Krishna?


I know you must be a Goddess, because I can swear you've been living in my heart.

We are the reincarnated souls of two past lovers. It's our destiny to be together, you just don't remember our past life together.



Atheist Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines for Atheists

I know you're an atheist, but I can make you scream God.


Are you a deity? Because you look unreal.

Wanna re-create the Big Bang?

Hey there, have you been touched by the great noodly appendage?

Jesus may not come a second time, but I sure can!

I may not go to church, but I have an organ for you.

Did it hurt when you were ripped from the cold bosom of oblivion and given conscious thought?

Wanna prove immaculate conception wrong?

Naturally, I'd select you over anyone else.

Let me show you there is a God.

Skeptical about my abilities in bed? Don't worry I can provide tons of proof.

I know I'm an atheist but, GOD DAMN you're gorgeous!



Catholic Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines for Catholics

What's a nice girl like you doing at a First Saturday Rosary Cenacle like this?


Are you religious? Good, cuz I'm here to answer your prayers.

My friend told me to come and meet you, he said that you are a really nice person. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah, that's his name.

Nice bible. I would like to pray with you.

Do you have a name, or do angels just have pretty faces?

Let's do some things you’ll need to tell your priest about tomorrow."

Hi there. My buddy and I were wondering if you would settle a dispute we're having. Do you think the word should be pronounced HOMEschooling, or homeSCHOOLing?

Confess here often?

You know they say that you have never really dated, until you have dated a christian.

You want to come over and watch the 10 commandments tonight?

What are your plans for tonight? Feel like a bible study?

You know how God created everyone. You must be his best creation

Do you believe in Divine appointment?

Damn girl, I know your going to hell because it's got to be a sin to look that good

Is it a sin that you stole my heart?

Sorry, but I couldn't help but noticing how cute you look in that ankle-length, shapeless, plaid jumper.