Twitter Pickup Lines

Pickup Lines about Twitter

It would take me much more than 140 characters to fully express how beautiful you are.


If you were a tweet, I'd favorite you, but I wouldn't retweet you. I don't want to share you with anyone else.

If you were a tweet, you'd be my only favorite.

Babe in my mind, you're always trending.

I usually don't follow someone on the first night, but for you I'll make an exception.

Every breath you take... every tweet you make... I'll be following you.

A tweet from you is like a song from heaven!

If you go out with me, I promise I'll #FF FollowFriday you every day of the week!

Follow me so I can DM you "tweet" dreams.

I never need to see the sun again, because your tweets light up my world!

Twitter needs a fire department, because you're smokin'!

Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your tweets!

What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl on Twitter?

You must be in a wrong place... the Miss Twitterverse contest is over there.

Do you believe in love at first tweet? Or should I tweet you again?

You've got me feeling twitterpated!

Girl you're so fine, I bet you have more followers than Lady Gaga.

I may not be a genie, but I can make your tweets come true!

I could read your random thoughts all night long.

Hey, I just followed you... and this is crazy... but follow me back... so I can DM you baby!

I heard you were taking apps for a new tweetheart... I'm here to apply!